Discover the versatile Windows Home solutions that are perfectly tailored to your private and professional needs. With user-friendly features, improved security and high performance, Windows Home offers the ideal platform for productive work and entertainment. Whether you want to complete your daily tasks, manage files or enjoy online security – our Windows Home products will reliably support you. Choose the right solution and experience a seamless and intuitive user experience
Betriebssysteme, Windows 11
Microsoft Windows 11 Home
Sofortversand per E-Mail: Produktschlüssel, Anleitung, Download, Rechnung
Sofort-Download! Vollversion.
Keine zeitliche Begrenzung, kein Abo
24/7 Support bei der Installation und Aktivierung
Keine Lieferung auf Datenträger (USB, CD, usw.)
Aktivierung…inkl. 19 % MwSt.
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Bundles, PC Software, Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus & Windows 10 Home Bundle
Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus & Windows 10 Home Bundle Version Users who use the full range of Microsoft Office at home or in the office are well advised to…
inkl. 19 % MwSt.
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Betriebssysteme, Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium is the most compact version of the still most popular operating system Windows 7. Compared to its predecessor Windows Vista, the Windows 7 Home Premium…
inkl. 19 % MwSt.
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